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Super-worms are a wonderful option to feed many different pets. If your pet eats crickets, chances are, it'll eat super-worms as well! They make a great treat for your pet reptile, amphibian, or bird!

Not only are they higher in protein and nutrients than crickets, they are far easier to keep, if you end up having extra after feeding your pet. They can survive in a wide range of temperatures, and are sturdy enough to leave on their own once you've put them away.

Our pets have loved super-worms, and we are positive yours will love them too!

What are Super-Worms?
Super-worms are actually larvae of a species of darkling beetle.

Why  Super-Worms?
Super-worms are nutritious, odor free, unable to jump, fly or climb, easy to keep, and enjoyed by many sizes and types of reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds.

How do I care for them?
Please read our care sheet.

What if they escape?
Super-worms can escape, but it's unlikely that they will do much. If it is warm enough, and finds food, it may grow into a beetle in a few months. However, it will most likely die at this point from lack of food, or find it's way outside in search of food.
In all honesty, they are pretty cool looking and large enough to handle, you may find it and decide to adopt it as a pet!


Feel free to send us a message through facebookemail us, or fill out the order form below, and we'll get back to you asap with prices and availability!

Our Price List

(Price Per Worm)

25: $3.00

50: $5.50

100: $10.00

250: $20.00

500: $40.00

Desert Rat Exotics is proudly dedicated to God, owned and operated in His name.


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